16 thoughts on “Comments

  1. Momir Radić

    Being a long time in translation business and advanced PC user, but only “newbie” to SDL Trados and specific terminology translations, I have bought and installed a couple of language pairs from SanTrans. It worked nice, until I had to use one language combination that had problems in language denomination, since basically the language remained the same, but the country fell apart.

    When trying to resolve the issue, I asked the author – Mr. Henk – for assistance, and I got it really quickly, in the matter of hours, and we resolved it.

    Having the opportunity to communicate with him – I found out that he himself is not only long time translator for a couple of very difficult languages (DE, FR, NL plus EN), but also a very good programmer.

    What I liked the most, apart from replying almost immediately, is that he uses his IT knowledge to help his colleagues. So – anyone needing a good IATE terminology base/bilingual glossaries should take this one.

    Keep up the good work, Henk!


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